Today 02:35 - 03:45
Friends in High Places: Lighthearted drama with the raffish antiques dealer. After six months in Spain, Lovejoy returns to renew old friendships and start a new romance! [S]
Today 02:35 - 03:45
Friends in High Places: Lighthearted drama with the raffish antiques dealer. After six months in Spain, Lovejoy returns to renew old friendships and start a new romance! [S]
Today 03:45 - 05:00
We Are All the Stars: Helen bravely admits her true feelings, and Lofty tries to let her down gently - but neither of them is prepared for a tragic incident that tears their world apart. [S]
Today 05:00 - 07:00
Shopping from Home.
Today 07:00 - 08:15
Shopping from Home.
Today 08:15 - 09:05
A Dying Breed: Classic drama from the Dales with the vets always busy with animals and other antics in the 1930s. To Tristan's dismay, he becomes highly regarded and in demand. [S]
Today 09:05 - 09:40
New. Another Life: Julia's cousin asks her for help to unravel a family secret, and Nathan offers Ben his support. [S]
Today 09:40 - 10:15
New. Rose Between Two Thorns: A widow tries to fend off the advances of two brothers and a verdict is reached in Ben's trial. [S]
Today 10:15 - 11:35
Blurring the Lines: Kian is desperate to deliver the surgery that Bea needs, but Jac refuses to help, forcing him to consider what he is willing to sacrifice. [S]
Today 11:35 - 12:40
Little White Lies: Comfort is asked to identify a body, and desperately hopes it will not be Fin, while Abs is startled when Ellen makes him a proposition. [S]
Today 12:40 - 13:40
Zain: Inside Out - Part 2: Zain gets a frosty reception at the station when Heaton secures his release from prison to help with the recapture of escaped killer Jason Forbes. [S]
Today 13:40 - 14:20
New. Dawn arrives back at the Square and Mickey and Keith try to find out what went on at Rob's parents, and why she is back. [S]
Today 14:20 - 15:00
New. Dawn struggles with indignities of giving birth, Keith starts to relish his roles as hostage taker, Ben lives in fear of Stella's retaliation. [S]
Today 15:00 - 15:40
New. Gwen confronts Marcus about blackmail. Will Fizz get over her big shock? [S]
Today 15:40 - 16:20
New. A crafty plan is devised to get Trine and Arnaud together, and Blair looks for a source of income. [S]
Today 16:20 - 17:25
Roots of Evil: Cue accordion for that fantastic theme tune! Jim Bergerac combats more Jersey-based criminals. A man refuses to help police find the men who are threatening him. [S]
Today 17:25 - 18:25
A Dying Breed: Classic drama from the Dales with the vets always busy with animals and other antics in the 1930s. To Tristan's dismay, he becomes highly regarded and in demand. [S]
Today 18:25 - 19:00
No Place Like Home: A complete stranger puts Charlie and Caroline on the spot by barging into their house and offering them a small fortune for it. [S]
Today 19:00 - 19:40
Lionel's Ex-Wife: Geoffrey Palmer and Judi Dench team up in the excellent sitcom. Lionel gets an unexpected letter from his ex-wife, a fact that does not go unnoticed by Jean. [S]
Today 19:40 - 20:20
The Art of the Shorts Story: Roy Clarke's senior sitcom - a firm favourite since 1973. Howard panics when Pearl asks him why one of his undergarments is missing. [S]
Today 20:20 - 21:00
The Missing Bus of Mrs Avery: The much-loved sitcom about a close-knit Yorkshire community. The ladies embark on a mystery tour when they hire a minibus to take them on a picnic. [S]
Today 21:00 - 22:20
The Seer of the Sands: Alan Davies is the magical mystery-solver, helped by Ab Fab's Julia Sawalha. The duo investigate the death of a ghost hunter. Ade Edmondson guest stars. [S,AD]
Today 22:20 - 23:40
Dead Man Talking: Amanda Redman and James Bolam star in the popular mystery caper. The team investigates when a psychic claims to be in touch with the spirit of a wealthy man. [S,AD]
Today 23:40 - 01:00
It Smells of Books: Dennis Waterman and Alun Armstrong star in the hit mystery caper. The team probe the death of a university professor with Lane going undercover in academia. [S,AD]
Tomorrow 01:00 - 02:05
Roots of Evil: Cue accordion for that fantastic theme tune! Jim Bergerac combats more Jersey-based criminals. A man refuses to help police find the men who are threatening him. [S]
Tomorrow 02:05 - 03:25
Out to Lunch: Emotions cloud the wily antique dealer's judgements in the popular drama. As Lovejoy falls for Lady Victoria, he buys some apparently fake watercolours. [S]
Tomorrow 03:25 - 04:25
Blurring the Lines: Kian is desperate to deliver the surgery that Bea needs, but Jac refuses to help, forcing him to consider what he is willing to sacrifice. [S]
Tomorrow 04:25 - 05:00
Trouble and Strife: Essex girls comedy - say no more! With money in short supply, Sharon's new job is vital, although Tracey wonders whether the price is too high. [S]
Tomorrow 05:00 - 07:00
Shopping from Home.
Tomorrow 07:00 - 08:15
Shopping from Home.
Tomorrow 08:15 - 09:05
Brink of Disaster: The 1930s-based country vet series that paved the way for Sunday night entertainment as we know it. Siegfried is faced with an outbreak of foot-and-mouth. [S]
Tomorrow 09:05 - 09:40
New. Iron Man: Ben makes a decision about the future and Mac helps a grieving widower. [S]
Tomorrow 09:40 - 10:15
New. He's My Son Too: A man takes drastic action when he thinks his son is ill. [S]
Tomorrow 10:15 - 11:35
Bell Jar: Elliot is in urgent need of life-changing surgery, and Jac is the only person qualified to perform it - but her struggles with anxiety may put his life on the line. [S]
Tomorrow 11:35 - 12:40
Dangerous Games: Comfort is hit by two cruel blows as she tracks down a woman who claims to have been married to Fin and receives shocking news from the police. [S]
Tomorrow 12:40 - 13:40
The Deadly Game: New DC Stevie Moss brings a breath of fresh air to CID with her positive and lively outlook, but manages to upset Mickey on her first day by stealing his parking space. [S]
Tomorrow 13:40 - 14:20
New. May arrives at the hospital only to be led away by Rob. Dawn discharges herself and Summer from hospital as she does not feel safe. [S]
Tomorrow 14:20 - 15:00
New. May's attempt to kidnap baby Summer is thwarted and Stella struggles to cope after she is bullied by Olive. Stacey blows out Bradley's date. [S]
Tomorrow 15:00 - 15:40
New. Gavin and Allan are on the pull while Snowy makes a splash. Fizz asserts her independence. [S]
Tomorrow 15:40 - 16:20
New. Blair turns over a new leaf. Pilar loses her job and feels the pressure of being a Spanish girl with an English man. [S]
Tomorrow 16:20 - 17:20
Entente Cordiale: Gripping cop drama. Bergerac changes location when a French private detective is found dead in Charlie's study. Jim goes to Provence to investigate. [S]
Tomorrow 17:20 - 18:25
Brink of Disaster: The 1930s-based country vet series that paved the way for Sunday night entertainment as we know it. Siegfried is faced with an outbreak of foot-and-mouth. [S]
Tomorrow 18:25 - 19:00
Hard Times: Classic sitcom. When Caroline's business hits a rough patch and she uses money from the household account to support it, Charlie ends up imposing an economy drive. [S]
Tomorrow 19:00 - 19:40
Lionel's New Hobby: Gentle comedy with two of Britain's best-loved actors. Lionel takes up model boat building. Jean is concerned about his motives for indulging in such a sedentary pastime. [S]
Tomorrow 19:40 - 20:20
Hey! Big Vendor: Long-running sitcom, a perennial favourite since 1973. Here, Wesley uses his renowned engineering skills to produce a go-anywhere vending machine. [S]
Tomorrow 20:20 - 21:00
Enter the Hawk: More ripe old fun. Billy Hardcastle is a distant relative of Robin Hood, but soon finds that having a friend with a pinstripe suit is adventurous enough. [S]
Tomorrow 21:00 - 22:00
...Private Investigators. New. Hunger for Bread: Lu infiltrates a local slimming club to discover their secrets, but gets more than she bargained for when she realises her sister is a member. [S,AD]
Tomorrow 22:00 - 23:00
...Private Investigators. New. Die We Must: A missing manuscript case takes a dramatic turn when Frank and Lu find themselves trapped in a famous author's house, where no one is what they seem. [S,AD]
Tomorrow 23:00 - 00:20
Left Field: Alun Armstrong and Amanda Redman star in the hugely popular mystery series. A recently paroled prisoner confesses to the abduction of a child 25 years previously. [S,AD]
Thursday 00:20 - 01:20
Entente Cordiale: Gripping cop drama. Bergerac changes location when a French private detective is found dead in Charlie's study. Jim goes to Provence to investigate. [S]
Thursday 01:20 - 02:30
No Strings: Classic early-90s drama with that raffish rogue. Eric gets involved with an Irish rock band who are playing at a charity event. Tinker is reunited with an old buddy. [S]
Thursday 02:30 - 03:45
Angel Trousers: Vintage drama. Lady Jane persuades Lovejoy to act as driver for an old friend who has to attend her brother's burial at sea. [S]
Thursday 03:45 - 05:00
Bell Jar: Elliot is in urgent need of life-changing surgery, and Jac is the only person qualified to perform it - but her struggles with anxiety may put his life on the line. [S]
Thursday 05:00 - 07:00
Shopping from Home.
Thursday 07:00 - 08:15
Shopping from Home.
Thursday 08:15 - 09:05
Home and Away: Tears and laughter at the 1930s country practice that caters for the real animals in the community. James upsets the greyhound owners at the local dogtrack. [S]
Thursday 09:05 - 09:40
New. The Hand That Feeds You: An elderly man thinks his daughter is poisoning him, and Julia encounters an old friend. [S]
Thursday 09:40 - 10:15
New. Beyond the Grave: Greg helps a couple come to terms with a betrayal. [S]
Thursday 10:15 - 11:35
Kintsugi: Jac is confined to a psychiatric unit, and refuses to accept that she has a problem. However, a visit from Fletch, Sacha and Elliot convinces her that things have to change. [S]
Thursday 11:35 - 12:40
Horses for Courses: Fin's ex-wife and son turn up at the funeral, reopening fresh wounds for Comfort, who collapses during the burial and is taken to hospital with stomach pains. [S]
Thursday 12:40 - 13:40
Shadow Stalker: A student barmaid reports being attacked in the park on her way home from work. Kezia recognises a familiar face on the list of suspects and Sally agrees to go undercover. [S]
Thursday 13:40 - 14:20
New. Bradley hopes to convince Stacey to move to Paris with him. Stella's bruise makes Ian suspicious and Lucy announces she's having a baby. [S]
Thursday 14:20 - 15:00
New. Stacey decides to give Bradley another chance, but Max's return causes problems for Bradley. Phil hears that Ian thinks that he has been beating Stella. [S]
Thursday 15:00 - 15:40
New. Maria is embarrassed by her crush on Philippe. Dieter has a new girlfriend. Fizz opens up to Bunny about her past. [S]
Thursday 15:40 - 16:20
New. Rosemary prepares for her audition. Maria confides in Ingrid. Fizz takes a riding lesson with Pilar. Gwen is afraid that Blair is the prowler. [S]
Thursday 16:20 - 17:25
In Love and War: More adventures with Jersey's top cop, Jim Bergerac. A business friend of Charlie's sticks her neck out when she harbours a fugitive from South Africa. [S]
Thursday 17:25 - 18:25
Home and Away: Tears and laughter at the 1930s country practice that caters for the real animals in the community. James upsets the greyhound owners at the local dogtrack. [S]
Thursday 18:25 - 19:00
Hit the Road: Classic sitcom. Tom tries to impress a girlfriend from school by using Charlie's jeep in spite of the fact that he is too young to drive legally. [S]
Thursday 19:00 - 19:40
Avoiding the Country Set: Wonderful casting pairing Judi Dench with Geoffrey Palmer. Still hoping for a quiet weekend in the country, Lionel and Jean take unusual steps to avoid 'the gang'. [S]
Thursday 19:40 - 20:20
Gnome and Away: Roy Clarke's popular sitcom about a close-knit Yorkshire community. Howard has a unique present for Marina to put in her garden, but he doesn't want Pearl seeing it. [S]
Thursday 20:20 - 21:00
A Hair of the Blonde That Bit You: More senior silliness in Yorkshire. When Pearl finds a blonde hair on Howard, he calls on his friends to help him out of a tricky situation. [S]
Thursday 21:00 - 23:00
On the Ropes: Mrs. Sidhu's caters at a major boxing championship match. But when a boxer is kidnapped and held at ransom, Mrs. Sidhu is at the heart of the investigation. [S,AD]
Thursday 23:00 - 00:20
Dark Chocolate: The popular crime caper with some of the nation's favourite actors, including Dennis Waterman and James Bolam. The team probe an attack at a chocolate factory. [S,AD]
Friday 00:20 - 01:20
In Love and War: More adventures with Jersey's top cop, Jim Bergerac. A business friend of Charlie's sticks her neck out when she harbours a fugitive from South Africa. [S]
Friday 01:20 - 02:30
Benin Bronze: Another adventure for the likeable antiques dealer. A judge's wife is being blackmailed and turns to Lovejoy for help. A priceless Benin bronze goes missing. [S]
Friday 02:30 - 03:35
Eric of Arabia: The denim-clad antique dealer with an eye for a bargain and the ladies. Lovejoy is asked by Sir Desmond Clark to authenticate an Oriental terracotta pig. [S]
Friday 03:35 - 05:00
Kintsugi: Jac is confined to a psychiatric unit, and refuses to accept that she has a problem. However, a visit from Fletch, Sacha and Elliot convinces her that things have to change. [S]
Friday 05:00 - 07:00
Shopping from Home.
Friday 07:00 - 08:15
Shopping from Home.
Friday 08:15 - 09:05
Alarms and Excursions: Doctors at work in the Dales, specialising in our animal friends. Siegfried is determined to find out who is responsible for an outbreak of poisoning. [S]
Friday 09:05 - 09:40
New. A World of Their Own: Faith helps a mum stand up to her mother-in-law, while Mac and Julia get a fright. [S]
Friday 09:40 - 10:15
New. Searching for Strength: Mac gives Julia an ultimatum and a teenage athlete struggles to meet his father's expectations. [S]
Friday 10:15 - 11:35
Lemons: Lofty and Dom prepare to renew their wedding vows - but Lofty has begun to question the validity of their marriage, and is forced to consider what he really wants out of life. [S]
Friday 11:35 - 12:40
Past Imperfect: Comfort discharges herself from hospital, determined to keep her pregnancy secret, but on returning to work her world is rocked by a shocking revelation. [S]
Friday 12:40 - 13:40
To Catch a Killer - Part 1: An 11-year-old is abducted, leading to fears a copycat child killer is on the loose. Convicted murderer Linda Johnson gives Neil the name of a prime suspect. [S]
Friday 13:40 - 14:20
New. Phil has a tough decision to make after meeting Stella's parents. Bradley has troubles of his own and Li arranges a shocking surprise. [S]
Friday 14:20 - 15:00
New. While Peggy hopes the Vic reopening goes well, Bradley contemplates bigger changes in life. Dawn struggles to balance life as a new mum. [S]
Friday 15:00 - 15:40
New. Suspicions abound in Los Barcos. Marcus confronts Antonio about his visit to Las Terrazas. [S]
Friday 15:40 - 16:20
New. Marcus tries to persuade Pilar to go on holiday with him, but she refuses to take time off from work. [S]
Friday 16:20 - 17:25
Under Wraps: John Nettles stars in the exciting police drama based on the isle of Jersey. Jim Bergerac needs to act quickly when nerve gas is stolen from a research laboratory. [S]
Friday 17:25 - 18:25
Alarms and Excursions: Doctors at work in the Dales, specialising in our animal friends. Siegfried is determined to find out who is responsible for an outbreak of poisoning. [S]
Friday 18:25 - 19:00
Home Improvement: Classic sitcom. When a water leak in the ceiling downstairs is traced to Caroline's bedroom, Charlie decides that now is a good time to give the whole bedroom a makeover. [S]
Friday 19:00 - 19:40
Broadcast Plans: Gentle comedy with the classy coupling of Judi Dench and sitcom legend Geoffrey Palmer. Lionel's script makes the big time on American TV, but how will it be received? [S]
Friday 19:40 - 20:20
A White Sweater and a Solicitor's Letter: Sitcom about a group of sprightly OAPs in Yorkshire. A solicitor's letter to Compo interests the whole town, and terrifies his son Tom. [S]
Friday 20:20 - 21:00
Why Is Barry at an Angle?: Popular sitcom. Barry's promotion at the building society entails visiting a particularly violent family. Unwisely, he seeks advice from Truly and Clegg. [S]
Friday 21:00 - 22:00
New. The Wheels Of Wrath: Rock 'n' roll reaches Kembleford when a group of bikers causes outrage and excitement in equal measure. [S,AD]
Friday 22:00 - 23:00
New. The Serpent Within: Sullivan's dream of leaving Kembleford is scuppered when he is arrested for receiving stolen goods. [S,AD]
Friday 23:00 - 00:20
Good Morning Lemmings: Another involving case for the veteran detective team comprised of some of the UK's favourite actors. The team probes the death of a graffiti artist. [S,AD]
Saturday 00:20 - 01:25
Under Wraps: John Nettles stars in the exciting police drama based on the isle of Jersey. Jim Bergerac needs to act quickly when nerve gas is stolen from a research laboratory. [S]
Saturday 01:25 - 02:35
Scotch on the Rocks: Drama series with the wily antiques dealer. Lovejoy buys a coveted ancient Scottish sword, which leads to another exciting find buried under a supermarket. [S]
Saturday 02:35 - 03:50
Loveknots: Lighthearted drama series. When Harriet Fisher buys a Berber rug at an auction, Lovejoy gets tangled up in a web of passion, unrequited love and umbrella stands. [S]
Saturday 03:50 - 05:00
Lemons: Lofty and Dom prepare to renew their wedding vows - but Lofty has begun to question the validity of their marriage, and is forced to consider what he really wants out of life. [S]
Saturday 05:00 - 07:00
Shopping from Home.
Saturday 07:00 - 08:30
Shopping from Home.
Saturday 08:30 - 09:00
Dawn is given an engagement breakfast Miller style before heading to the Vic for a leaving party, but when she gets to Robs parent's in the country May is waiting for her. [S]
Saturday 09:00 - 09:35
Dawn is being held hostage by Rob and May. May is becoming increasingly erratic and plans to perform a caesarean on Dawn so she can have the baby early. [S]
Saturday 09:35 - 10:15
Dawn arrives back at the Square and Mickey and Keith try to find out what went on at Rob's parents, and why she is back. [S]
Saturday 10:15 - 10:50
Dawn struggles with indignities of giving birth, Keith starts to relish his roles as hostage taker, Ben lives in fear of Stella's retaliation. [S]
Saturday 10:50 - 11:30
May arrives at the hospital only to be led away by Rob. Dawn discharges herself and Summer from hospital as she does not feel safe. [S]
Saturday 11:30 - 12:10
May's attempt to kidnap baby Summer is thwarted and Stella struggles to cope after she is bullied by Olive. Stacey blows out Bradley's date. [S]
Saturday 12:10 - 12:50
Bradley hopes to convince Stacey to move to Paris with him. Stella's bruise makes Ian suspicious and Lucy announces she's having a baby. [S]
Saturday 12:50 - 13:30
Stacey decides to give Bradley another chance, but Max's return causes problems for Bradley. Phil hears that Ian thinks that he has been beating Stella. [S]
Saturday 13:30 - 14:10
Phil has a tough decision to make after meeting Stella's parents. Bradley has troubles of his own and Li arranges a shocking surprise. [S]
Saturday 14:10 - 14:50
While Peggy hopes the Vic reopening goes well, Bradley contemplates bigger changes in life. Dawn struggles to balance life as a new mum. [S]
Saturday 14:50 - 15:50
Lyle tries to save his mum's allotment, Scott is suspended from school, Peter helps a family record their daughter's appearance in a school concert, and Snell gets married. [S]
Saturday 15:50 - 16:55
The Wheels Of Wrath: Rock 'n' roll reaches Kembleford when a group of bikers causes outrage and excitement in equal measure. [S,AD]
Saturday 16:55 - 17:55
The Serpent Within: Sullivan's dream of leaving Kembleford is scuppered when he is arrested for receiving stolen goods. [S,AD]
Saturday 17:55 - 20:00
Spark to a Flame: Lynley Foster moved to a community of beach cottages at Pteke Point in search of peace and quiet, but that dream is dashed by her disagreeable neighbour, Wyatt. [S,AD]
Saturday 20:00 - 22:00
Three Coins and a Fountain: The Brokenwood fountain is spraying reddish-brown water due to a man impaled on its sculpture; the victim is an American tourist who has three gold coins. [S,AD]
Saturday 22:00 - 00:20
Everyone's favourite Napoleonic hero embarks on another perilous mission. Sharpe arrives in India and learns that a British general's daughter has been kidnapped. [S]
Sunday 00:20 - 01:20
This is Not a Love Song: More drama from Down Under with the high-flying heart surgeon. Hugh and Penny are forced together during an overnight trip to a coal mine. [S]
Sunday 01:20 - 02:55
When the body of a missing prostitute is found, Rebus is haunted by a case from twenty years before. [S]
Sunday 02:55 - 03:35
Briefless Encounter: Classic '90s sitcom. Caroline is impressed with Charlie's work around the house, but he gets more than he bargained for in her bathroom. [S]
Sunday 03:35 - 04:20
A Fragrant Scandal: When the Head Nose of a famous fragrance dynasty is found slain in his study, Sister Boniface must sniff out a killer. [S,AD]
Sunday 04:20 - 05:00
Moving: The comic capers of the Essex girls - Sharon and Tracey. The flat above Sharon's cafe becomes a hot property as life in Chigwell is turned upside down. [S]
Sunday 05:00 - 07:00
Shopping from Home.
Sunday 07:00 - 08:10
Shopping from Home.
Sunday 08:10 - 09:00
Zain: Inside Out - Part 1: Disgraced detective Zain Nadir is interviewed about drug trafficking in Hayes End Prison and agrees to help his former colleagues infiltrate the gang. [S]
Sunday 09:00 - 10:00
Zain: Inside Out - Part 2: Zain gets a frosty reception at the station when Heaton secures his release from prison to help with the recapture of escaped killer Jason Forbes. [S]
Sunday 10:00 - 11:00
The Deadly Game: New DC Stevie Moss brings a breath of fresh air to CID with her positive and lively outlook, but manages to upset Mickey on her first day by stealing his parking space. [S]
Sunday 11:00 - 12:00
Shadow Stalker: A student barmaid reports being attacked in the park on her way home from work. Kezia recognises a familiar face on the list of suspects and Sally agrees to go undercover. [S]
Sunday 12:00 - 13:00
To Catch a Killer - Part 1: An 11-year-old is abducted, leading to fears a copycat child killer is on the loose. Convicted murderer Linda Johnson gives Neil the name of a prime suspect. [S]
Sunday 13:00 - 14:20
New. Emma and Margaret compete for the teaching job at Lark Rise school, and Thomas starts a union when Dorcas fails to take seriously his complaints about his working conditions. [S]
Sunday 14:20 - 15:40
New. When the daughter of the local gossip falls pregnant, Daniel is accused of being the father. Laura is preoccupied after receiving a mysterious letter, and Minnie offends Alf. [S]
Sunday 15:40 - 19:00
Feature-length historical drama from the world-famous romantic author, Catherine Cookson. The Christmas of 1913 brings changes for disenchanted young Agnes Conway. [S]
Sunday 19:00 - 20:00
New. The Czech officers organise a public dance. Sarah receives some unwelcome advice, Jenny causes some trouble for Joyce, and Allison is forced to decide where her loyalties lie. [S]
Sunday 20:00 - 21:00
New. Alison worries that her involvement with the Lyons could have dangerous consequences. Meanwhile, Pat and Marek are spotted together, and Teresa struggles with letting go of the past. [S]
Sunday 21:00 - 22:00
Don't Try This at Home: Sister Boniface investigates an on-set murder when Great Slaughter plays host to a summer roadshow for kids' TV programme 'Jolly Roger'. [S,AD]
Sunday 22:00 - 00:15
Deathmaker: A shocking incident on a suburban street brings back painful memories for Jack, forcing him to revisit his past. A member of the victim's family seeks justice of their own. [S]
Monday 00:15 - 02:10
Truffles and Treachery: When the son of an old friend is arrested for murder, Sylvia interrupts her hunt for a stolen truffle pig in order to investigate. [S]
Monday 02:10 - 03:20
A taxi driver hits a woman with his cab but she flees. To find her, Leila persuades Callum to bend the rules. A furious Marlene digs into Leila's past - with dire consequences. [S,AD]
Monday 03:20 - 05:00
Black Widower: The dead body of a publican's wife is discovered under a giant foam spider. [S]
Monday 05:00 - 07:00
Shopping from Home.
Monday 07:00 - 08:10
Shopping from Home.
Monday 08:10 - 09:00
Matters of Life and Death: All things bright and beautiful in the series which will bring back memories of cosy Sunday nights. James gets a glimpse of upper-class life. [S]
Monday 09:00 - 09:35
New. In the Nick of Time: Greg examines a homeless man at the police station, and Jimmi brings his girlfriend to work. [S]
Monday 09:35 - 10:15
New. A Change of Key: Mac struggles for self-control, Greg questions Jimmi, and Sarah helps a woman in sheltered accommodation. [S]
Monday 10:15 - 11:35
Be True, Be Brave, Be Kind: Bea requires emergency surgery, so Kian takes matters into his own hands, despite having been suspended. Essie has a run-in with new consultant Ben Sherwood. [S]
Monday 11:35 - 12:40
Responsibility: Comfort comes face-to-face with Fin's killer, who asks for her forgiveness as he stands on the brink of suicide, while Ellen announces she is marrying Abs. [S]
Monday 12:40 - 13:40
To Catch a Killer - Part 2: Heaton calls a press conference to tackle the growing media interest in Linda Johnson's involvement in the abduction case. [S]
Monday 13:40 - 14:20
New. Bradley invites his boss and his wife to dinner, hoping their success will convince Stacey to move to Paris. [S]
Monday 14:20 - 15:00
New. Bradley's determined to do things properly with Stacey, but how will she react when she realises Max is back on the Square? Jane opens up about the lie she's been living. [S]
Monday 15:00 - 15:40
New. Rosemary waits for news, Blair starts to date, and Bunny makes a terrible mistake. [S]
Monday 15:40 - 16:20
New. Can Bunny and Fizz save their marriage? [S]
Monday 16:20 - 17:20
All the Sad Songs: John Nettles stars in the 1980s detective drama series. Following a chance meeting at the races, Bergerac is drawn into the world of the cabaret circuit. [S]
Monday 17:20 - 18:25
Matters of Life and Death: All things bright and beautiful in the series which will bring back memories of cosy Sunday nights. James gets a glimpse of upper-class life. [S]
Monday 18:25 - 19:00
Quantum Leap: Classic sitcom. Charlie is knocked out and dreams that he is still a football player with all the money and trappings associated with it. [S]
Monday 19:00 - 19:40
At Death's Door: Classic comedy. While Penny has routine surgery in hospital, Jean and Lionel find themselves playing host and emotional nursemaid to Stephen. [S]
Monday 19:40 - 20:20
The Coming of the Beast: Norman Wisdom makes a guest appearance in this episode of the senior sitcom. Truly jests that there's a tiger on the loose, with far-reaching repercussions. [S]
Monday 20:20 - 21:00
A Brief Excursion in the Fast Lane: Young-at-heart sitcom. Wesley has just finished his motorised scooter, when along comes his son-in-law with a taste for dangerous adventure. [S]
Monday 21:00 - 23:00
Over Her Dead Body: The Kiwi crime drama continues. Strange events occur at a beloved poet's funeral as mourners discover the corpse in his coffin is a woman with a tattoo. [S,AD]
Monday 23:00 - 00:20
Fashion Victim: A glamorous case for the veteran detectives in the popular crime caper. The wife of a murdered fashion designer persuades the team to reinvestigate the case. [S,AD]
Tuesday 00:20 - 01:20
All the Sad Songs: John Nettles stars in the 1980s detective drama series. Following a chance meeting at the races, Bergerac is drawn into the world of the cabaret circuit. [S]
Tuesday 01:20 - 02:30
Smoke Your Nose: Adventures with the wheeler dealer antiques trader. Rev Harry Nettles wagers a bet with Lovejoy that there is a Roman mosaic in the field next to his church. [S]
Tuesday 02:30 - 03:35
Kids: Drama with the raffish antiques dealer. Susan appears at a country-house auction to tell Lovejoy that their daughter has vanished. Tinker, Eric and Jane go shopping. [S]
Tuesday 03:35 - 05:00
Be True, Be Brave, Be Kind: Bea requires emergency surgery, so Kian takes matters into his own hands, despite having been suspended. Essie has a run-in with new consultant Ben Sherwood. [S]
Tuesday 05:00 - 07:00
Shopping from Home.
Tuesday 07:00 - 08:10
Shopping from Home.
Tuesday 08:10 - 09:00
Will to Live: There'll be tears before bedtime when the 1930s vets face a heartbreaking job in the classic drama series. A man has to be told that his dog has lost its sight. [S]
Tuesday 09:00 - 09:35
New. Free to Air: Faith helps a pirate radio DJ with asthma. [S]
Tuesday 09:35 - 10:15
New. Father's Day: An old man needs Mac's help when he receives a letter from his late wife's son. [S]
Tuesday 10:15 - 11:35
Mothers & Their Daughters: Serena finds her principles tested when she encounters the dealer who supplied drugs to her dead daughter, and is forced to make a life or death decision. [S]
Tuesday 11:35 - 12:40
Love Bites: A confrontation with Ruth brings further pain for Comfort, Selena is reprimanded for not doing a thorough examination and Abs tells Claire the real reason he's marrying Ellen. [S]
Tuesday 12:40 - 13:40
Witness: Innocent Blood: Smithy helps the victim of a knife attack on the Jasmine Allen estate and renews acquaintance with Carly Samuels, who witnessed the incident. [S]
Tuesday 13:40 - 14:20
New. Max is back in Albert Square and he's alarmed to hear things have changed. He seethes as Tanya holds a celebration party for Bradley and Stacey. [S]
Tuesday 14:20 - 15:00
New. Stacey fails to keep her engagement a secret and Phil begins to have doubts about marrying Stella. [S]
Tuesday 15:00 - 15:40
New. Drew worries about Nessa's future. Dieter has a new girlfriend but can't quite forget Trish. [S]
Tuesday 15:40 - 16:15
New. Pilar makes a disturbing discovery about Marcus. Olive becomes a saleswoman - and an unwitting matchmaker. [S]
Tuesday 16:15 - 17:20
The Messenger Boy: Jim ventures out of Jersey to the Big Smoke in the cult detective drama series, as he travels to London to help a friend whose daughter has been kidnapped. [S]
Tuesday 17:20 - 18:25
Will to Live: There'll be tears before bedtime when the 1930s vets face a heartbreaking job in the classic drama series. A man has to be told that his dog has lost its sight. [S]
Tuesday 18:25 - 19:00
Second Thoughts: Classic sitcom. Charlie has an allergic reaction every time he is forced to think about getting married. [S]
Tuesday 19:00 - 19:40
Showered with Gifts: Will weekends in the country give Lionel and Jean a chance to get away from it all, now that they are no longer beholden to the 'gang'? [S]
Tuesday 19:40 - 20:20
The Mystical Squeak of Howard's Bicycle: Madcap sitcom. Howard's bicycle starts acting strangely in Pearl's presence, so Truly recommends that Clegg performs an exorcism on it. [S]
Tuesday 20:20 - 21:00
Mervyn Would Be Proud: The world's longest-running sitcom. Billy regrets his promise to demonstrate archery at the vicar's garden party - whilst riding a horse! [S]
Tuesday 21:00 - 22:20
The Chequered Box: 'Young One' Ade Edmondson guest stars in the quirky mystery drama. Jonathan and Carla investigate the case of a respected police officer who may be a killer. [S,AD]
Tuesday 22:20 - 23:40
Where There's Smoke: Adventures with the charming middle-aged detectives. The team receive information that a club fire in 1996 that killed a criminal was an arson attack. [S,AD]
Tuesday 23:40 - 01:00
Coming Out Ball: The hugely popular crime drama starring some of Britain's favourite actors. The team probe the abduction of an 18-year-old daughter of an arms manufacturer. [S,AD]